Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hobo Sunrise

"    "
Butt Hash
Die when you die when you die you're gonna die.
MARLBORO- they're good for you.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

First of the Gang To Die

Isiah learned to drop in.

Tony Bologna- frontside 50.  By the way- the "Skate Fanatics" are now the "Skate Kings".  Recognize.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Let the die hards die hard.

I like this.

As great as it is having a ramp in your backyard-  sometimes it's a giant pain in the ass too.  Sunday we had to cover it up in the 40 mile an hour wind and ended up putting every single thing in the backyard on it to hold the tarps down.  

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Save dough, support bros.

Friday, November 21, 2008

R.I.P. Cody

My cousin and his mother-in-law were killed Wednesday evening by a drunk driver.  This is a photo my mom took of him a while back, despite how emo he looks in the photo- he was a super funny dude......

Monday, November 17, 2008

Body of the Bird

Went to a good show Friday in OKC-  These guys played first.  The Needlepoints were killing it and it was only their first show.  If you want to know more about them, I'm interviewing them right now for the upcoming Shark Bait....
Japanther.  If you can get over the fact that they play along to a tape, they're really good.  It kind of weirded me out at first, but the hooks are undeniable.
Any of you over 30 remember this guy?  If not- go YOUTUBE the Liberty section in the World Industries classic "Rubbish Heap"  
Here's Mr. Congelliere in present day killing it with his band Underground Railroad to Candyland.  
These guys are great- I bought their album "Bird Roughs" at this show and there isn't a bad song on it.  If your record shop doesn't have it, go to- and get it.  

Monday, November 10, 2008

Part time punks

Skated with Dan yesterday.  This guy goes through so much shit and doesn't complain about any of it.  I fucked up my wrist and woke up to not even being able to squeeze the tube of toothpaste and having to wipe "switch".  The Dr. gave me a splint and some tylenol 3s, so no biggie.  

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

If you didn't get a little misty-eyed last night because of the historical relevance and general awesomeness, then you must be a robot.  Or Republican.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Like Morris Day on hella yay dressing gay

I got this in the mail the other day- BALANCE #6.  This is a super good 'zine from Philly.  It's mostly transition stuff- some old timey and some current day, but it's all a hoot to look at.  Good writing and some big name contributors (Rhino).  Send a few bucks or some stamps to- Joey P., 344 Dawson St., Philadelphia, PA 19128  
This was my favorite thing in there and worth admission on it's own- The Kid layback grind at the classic Kanis Bowl in Little Rock.  This 'zine rules.
Ray was in town again and got a frontside slasher on "Real Talk".  "Is you tweaking?!" We're working on an interview for  the upcoming Shark Bait.  Don't hold your breath, but I am working on it.....
The ramp got a facelift today.  It seems like every ramp has some cool name and I'm starting to get bummed mine doesn't.  I've heard it called "Shark Bait Brad's ramp", but it needs something more flared out.  Possibly "the camp ramp" for all the campy colors?  What do you guys think?  
Keep Oklahoma swishy....

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I keep thinking about Russia. Russia.

Tom- fakie to backside 5-0.  Blurry photo- uploaded the wrong one.
Tyrell and Isiah have a crew called the "Skate Fanatics".  I think they might let me in.
Joel and Shawn
Joel- total shredder.  
Shanghai studios- still killing it in PC.
Horton took time out from being folk-y to rock out last night.
Apparently these dudes recorded an e.p. last night.  This is our official band photo.  I think we're going to put our songs on myspace- totally original idea, huh?  What the hell are we called?  
Matt Janey, business hippie by day, can still catch a grind. 
Matt and Carly Janey- totally sweet.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Listening in

Didn't have anything to do at work today, so I clocked in at Smash inc. and painted these boards- 7.75s and 8s
Also finished this ghetto extension- complete with pvc coping.  
My awesome neighbors and Smash flow kids- Isiah and Tyrell.  They helped build the platform the day before- When I thanked them for all their help little Isiah just said, "That's what friends do, isn't it?"  
Erik "freshy"- front blunt.  That guy rips....

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Platform graffiti in Stillwater.  Very nice.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Ponca City skatepark is a wonderful place.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Look back and laugh

Spencer came to lurk this weekend.
Nathan's hot dogs, yo.
Knight in white dickies, Friz, with a frontside slasher.
Ma and Spence.
Bro-brah kovoy- frontside slasher.
Tabby, Friz, Marge.
Ugly guy learned sweepers. 
Real talk.
Spencer giving five.
Friz- frontside kickturn that's pretty much a wallride.  Try to roll up this thing without mauling your nose... Doc looks concerned in the background. 
Thanks for another epic visit, dudes.