Sunday, October 26, 2008

Like Morris Day on hella yay dressing gay

I got this in the mail the other day- BALANCE #6.  This is a super good 'zine from Philly.  It's mostly transition stuff- some old timey and some current day, but it's all a hoot to look at.  Good writing and some big name contributors (Rhino).  Send a few bucks or some stamps to- Joey P., 344 Dawson St., Philadelphia, PA 19128  
This was my favorite thing in there and worth admission on it's own- The Kid layback grind at the classic Kanis Bowl in Little Rock.  This 'zine rules.
Ray was in town again and got a frontside slasher on "Real Talk".  "Is you tweaking?!" We're working on an interview for  the upcoming Shark Bait.  Don't hold your breath, but I am working on it.....
The ramp got a facelift today.  It seems like every ramp has some cool name and I'm starting to get bummed mine doesn't.  I've heard it called "Shark Bait Brad's ramp", but it needs something more flared out.  Possibly "the camp ramp" for all the campy colors?  What do you guys think?  
Keep Oklahoma swishy....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The camp ramp is beautiful.
Long live it, drummer(magazine)