Monday, February 15, 2010

If we can do it here, you can do it anywhere.

Sorry for the lack of posts lately. In a reverse move in modern times I've been dedicating lots of my free time to painting, making a book of said paintings, and making a new issue of Shark Bait. Print media is a dying format, but I won't let it go. Ever. (I realize the irony of pushing my love of print media via a blog, but this is what people read- the internet) Above is a newer painting and a shot from a few days ago of Wesley Anderson nosegrinding the "white thing".


aaron said...

nice painting bradley

nice nosegrind wesley

sharklahoma said...

Nice comments Aaron. Were you stalking? I just put those up 2 minutes ago. L-U-V

aaron said...

yeah, I was.

Anonymous said...

Remember Joey Hatcher? So will the prison system -
lol, 37grams of h-bomb... can't say we'll miss ya DUDE

sharklahoma said...

I've actually seen him twice at the skatepark recently. Haven't really talked to him, but did mutter a "what's up?" to him and he replied, "waiting on nothing." I guess that's a subtle way of saying going to prison.

Karma city.