Friday, April 13, 2012

Blog Wars

Last May we saw The Arrivals and Toys that Kill in Oklahoma City. I recorded a few songs with my iPhone and noticed there was one I'd never heard. Once I got home I went through all their albums and could not find the song in the video. Turn the page to 11 months later and I see on Facebook, the blog with the shitty name (Brooklyn Vegan) is streaming 2 songs off the soon to be released Toys that Kill album "Fambly 42" (info & tour dates!) and then I realize that there wasn't some Toys that Kill record I'd missed, it was a very premature live performance that is setting a nice tone of me being stoked out of my face for this new record. Really hyped to see them and pick this up when they come to ABQ in May!


(ps- I have nothing against that blog or however people choose to eat, just think it's a stupid name.)



no worries, that blog suxxx.

sharklahoma said...

Haha rad. I'd actually never seen it, just instantly hated
the name.