Thursday, April 19, 2012

You don't give her anything to look forward to

Yesterday Mike and me skated around downtown and this chick gets out of a car and asks if she can take Mike's picture.  She's instantly drawn to his Shark Bait t-shirt and inquires what it is.  He leads her in my direction and I tell her that it's not a 'zine CALLED "Hella Shitty" it's a 'zine called Shark Bait that IS "Hella Shitty".  Then she asked about my shirt, which is weird because I rarely rock these shirts, and I explained it was a friend and I's skateboard company and Mike rode for it.  She was really cool about it and asked if we had a website and if we wouldn't mind being on hers.  Sure enough the next day, (today) it was on the site with links leading here.  Thanks a lot for throwing the free advertising this way, to go see her article check here.  Also, there will be "hella shitty" t-shirts again soon, so check back if you missed out the first time around.  It's also pretty funny how I didn't get a job at hipster ground zero (Urban Outfitters) and then a week later I'm randomly on a fashion blog!


Derek said...

brad the fashionista

Unknown said...

I love that you made are now on a hipster website.