Friday, April 20, 2007

Deluxe in Tulsa.

Brock, Malto, Gerwer, Busenitz signing posters.
Frank Gerwer

Hen-dawg and Ella Gambino. (ellla dresses like a roller girl like her mom now. cute stuff.)

Battling for a board in the product toss. (that's a girl on the bottom of the pile. she ended up getting it.)

Justin Brock- kickflip over the rail and pyramid (in a line).

Epic! Virgil showed up out of nowhere smelling like patchouli and booze. I have absolutely nothing in common with this guy, but he rules and makes me giggle.

Sean Malto- fs crooked grind.

I was really looking forward to seeing Drehobl, Busenitz, and Ramodetta. No Drehobl, No Ramondetta, and Busenitz didn't really skate, so that was a bit of a let down. Other than that it was a good time and some sweet rollerboardin' went down. Good job to the Boardshop for making it happen.

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