Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Smash gives credit where credit is due.

Dan Bayha
The Down Trunks

Mika Matzen

The Gardes

Lately before I paint our boards I've been writing crap in paint pen on the bottom first. It's usually just something to amuse myself for a moment and then I paint over it. Sometimes you can see a little writing after the finished product is done, which I like the look of, but you can't really read what it says. This time instead of just writing something bad about hippies or something, I decided to give some shout outs to people who I think deserve it. Dan Bayha was everyone's favorite skater around here when we were kids and still rules and is a good friend of mine. Mika Matzen is pretty much the same thing to the Stillwater dudes and still rules and is also a good friend of mine. The Gardes and The Down Trunks are just super good bands that I have pals in. I just thought I'd share these images with you before I paint over them.

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